Exclusive Games
Amanda the Adventurer 2

Amanda is back, bringing a lot of shocking secrets and trials with her! The story of a doomed TV show for kids has not ended, but in fact, it just begins.
Continue the investigation of abhorrent crimes connected with the production of this series and find a way to banish the evil that is concealed there once and for all.
As always, to find the answers to your questions, you will need to watch the tapes with Amanda’s show and interact with her throughout the actions she presents to you. You may either follow the rules and complete all her tasks or make mistakes on purpose to see the girl’s real identity.
In any case, the game also includes riddle-solving in real life, when you should utilise all the information from the tapes on the items situated in the surroundings. Be attentive though, as the more exciting enigmas are hidden the most meticulously!