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Bou’s Revenge 2

Bou’s Revenge 2

Bou’s Revenge 2 img

The unmatched horror featuring a well-known pet is back, this time with even more terrors happening! Bou’s Revenge is a game, where you need to survive while being locked in one building with a monster that is growing with every second, reducing your chances to stay alive. Can you figure out how to deal with him?

How to play Bou’s Revenge

The game includes several objectives, dividing them into several lists, but the most important of them is to free yourself from the house when your pet starts turning into a beast. However, Bou’s Revenge won’t make you plunge into horror right from the beginning.

First, spend some time with Bou, preparing food, washing and playing with him. The gameplay includes various interactions and an element of searching, so you won’t get bored from accomplishing similar tasks. Take a look at the list on top and determine what item you need for the next quest.

While you are busy with the routine, don’t forget to appreciate the disturbing atmosphere of the game! Bou’s Revenge may impress you with its unsettlingly realistic graphics and an ambience that makes the players feel uncomfortable and alarmed all the time.

Defeat the evil

As the environment suggests, terrors are about to begin and Bou’s Revenge won’t make you wait for too long! Just one trip to the nearest convenience store and you return home to the beast that took the place of your cute companion. Common food doesn’t please his needs now and he requires a more substantial meal that happens to be your own flesh!

Bypass the perilous creature by hiding in the house and unravelling the riddles scattered all around it. Being attentive enough, you may even discover secret passages and try to escape. But before venturing into the darkness, make sure no other monsters are concealed there!

Discover new endings

Previous version of Bou’s Revenge offered only several endings, where you could either die or survive, never exploring the depths of the dungeons, hidden under the house. However, now the game allows you to delve into the secrets that are buried underneath, letting you risk everything chasing blood-curdling impressions.

In addition, there is a chance to adopt another pet in Bou’s Revenge! Poulina is an adorable little copy of Pou and she also needs you to take care of her. Nurse both companions and hope they won’t turn into vicious beasts together! Will you handle double danger in the worst case?